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Skills Development and Consulting Experts

For more 20+ years


Many jobs now entail the use of technology. This requirement continues to grow, even in sectors considered traditional or non-technical. Online tools and mobile apps today perform a huge range of functions that were once paper-based.

The workplace is digital, and in today’s competitive environment, employers highly value digital skills. Having the certified ability to use devices and tools confidently and productively is an effective way for workers to set themselves apart.

​The modules in ICDL Workforce are:

  • Essential Skills
  • Office Applications
  • Good Practice


We start with the Essential Skills modules that are important for many other ICDL programmes. 

The essential skill module is broken into two sections:

Computer Essentials

This module will teach you the essential concepts and skills relating to the use of devices, file creation and management, networks, and data security.

Online Essentials

This module will teach you the essential concepts and skills relating to web browsing, effective information search, online communication, and e-mail.

02 Office Applications 

The office applications module is broken into three sections:


This module teaches you to use a word processing application to accomplish everyday tasks associated with creating, formatting, and finishing small-sized word processing documents, such as letters and other everyday documents



This module teaches you to understand the concept of spreadsheets and to use a spreadsheet application. It will enable you to perform tasks associated with developing, formatting & modifying.


This module will enable you to demonstrate competence in using presentation tools on a computer. It will teach you to perform tasks such as creating, formatting, modifying, and preparing presentations using different slide layouts for display and printed distribution.

03 Good Practice

Good practice modules equips you with all the skills required to understand how to protect yourself and your data. Good practice module is broken into four sections:


This IT Security module has been developed to enable you, the computer user (rather than IT professionals), to identify and protect yourself and their organization from common security challenges when using ICT. It will also teach you how to operate safely when online.


This module teaches you how to effectively collaborate on online/remote projects, either for work or study. It sets out concepts and skills relating to the setup and use of online collaborative tools, such as storage, productivity applications, calendars, social media, web meetings, learning environments, and mobile technology.


​Learn essential knowledge relating to data protection concepts and principles, data subject rights, the implementation of data protection policies and measures, and regulatory compliance.


Learn essential concepts and skills relating to identifying, searching, evaluating, organizing, and communicating online information.

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