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This field of study offers a variety of courses focused on education and training interventions. The programs are designed for individuals looking to build on an FETC qualification to pursue a career in Occupationally-Directed Education, Training, and Development (ODETD), especially those with little or no prior experience. They are also valuable for professionals seeking formal recognition of their existing skills.

Who Will Benefit:

  • Needs Analysts
  • Learning Facilitators
  • Learning Designers
  • Assessors
  • Learner and Learning Supporters
  • Skills Development Facilitators

Qualifications Offered:

  • FET Certificate: Occupationally-Directed Education Training and Development Practices (50332)
  • Higher Certificate: Early Childhood Development (64649)
  • National Diploma: Early Childhood Development (64650)
  • FET Certificate: Early Childhood Development (58761)

Skills Programmes:

  • Conduct Outcomes-Based Assessment (115753)
  • Conduct Moderation of Outcomes-Based Assessments (115759)
  • Facilitate Learning Using a Variety of Methodologies (117871)
  • Mentoring and Coaching (114215)

These programs equip you with the skills and qualifications needed to succeed and grow in the field of education and training.


  • Further Education and Training Certificate: Occupationally-Directed Education Training and Development Practices (50332)
  • Higher Certificate: Early Childhood Development (64649)
  • National Diploma: Early Childhood Development (64650)
  • Further Education and Training Certificate: Early Childhood Development (58761)

  • Conduct outcomes-based Assessment(115753)
  • Conduct moderation of outcomes-based assessments (115759)
  • Facilitate learning using a variety of given methodologies (117871)
  • Mentoring and Coaching (114215)

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Requirements to enrol on any of the programmes

The minimum requirements for most of the programmes is the ability to read and write. For most of the qualifications grade 12 is required and also a learner 's previuos learning will be considered.

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  • Further Education and Training Certificate: Early Childhood Development (58761) Level 4

    This is an entry-level Qualification for those who want to enter the field of Education, Training and Development, specifically within the sub-field of Early Childhood Development (ECD). Many of those who will seek this Qualification are already practising within the field, but without formal recognition. This Qualification will enable recipients of this Qualification to facilitate the all-round development of young children in a manner that is sensitive to culture and individual needs (including special needs), and enable them to provide quality early childhood development services for children in a variety of contexts, including community-based services, ECD centres, at home and in institutions. In particular, recipients of this qualification will be able to:

    Plan and prepare for Early Childhood Development.

    Facilitate and monitor the development of babies, toddlers and young children.

    Provide care and support to babies, toddlers and young children.

  • Further Education and Training Certificate: Occupationally-Directed Education Training and Development Practices (50332) Level 4

    The qualification will be useful to those within the world of work and who provide training in the workplace, or for those who have been practising within the field, but without formal recognition. In particular, this qualification will be useful for:

    • ETD coordinators.
    • Entry-level trainers.
    • Junior Training officers.
    • Training administrators.

    Learners of this qualification will be able to:

    • Prepare for and facilitate learning.
    • Provide learner support.
    • Carry out administration related to learning.
    • Contribute to Human Resource Management Practices.
  • Higher Certificate: Early Childhood Development (64649) Level 5

    The Higher Certificate is designed to provide access to higher education for many experienced and skilled ECD practitioners and trainers who do not have recognised qualifications. The purpose of this qualification is to:

    1. Develop ECD ETD practitioners (e.g. home-based, centre- and school-based practitioners including Grade R, family and community ECD motivators, fieldworkers, facilitators, trainers and managers) to provide appropriate education, training and development services in the ECD sub-field.

    2. Enable ECD ETD practitioners to use their knowledge of child growth and development from birth to nine years and relevant national policies to guide their professional practice in the ECD sub-field.

    This qualification provides an opportunity for:

    • practitioners with a Level 4 certificate or equivalent in ECD to further their professional development in ECD by providing access to higher education and training qualifications and/or to specialise in aspects of ECD practice (e.g. Grade R) or specific roles (e.g. managers, trainers etc.).
    • practitioners with a Primary Teachers Certificate (PTC), Primary Teachers Diploma (PTD), or an equivalent of 120 credits to obtain an ECD certificate, either in the preschool phase and/or specialising in reception year teaching. 
  • National Diploma: Early Childhood Development (64650) Level 5

    The purpose of the qualification is to:

    1. Provide access to a recognised educator qualification at Level 6 for ECD educators who have a Level 4 or Level 5 certificate in ECD, providing a bridge between non-formal and formal learning programmes.

    2. To enable educators/ learners to plan and implement a learning programme which is based on their knowledge of child development from birth to nine years and which helps children in a specific phase work towards achieving the learning outcomes of the national school curriculum (where appropriate).

    3. To improve community-based ECD services for young children by raising the level of ECD teaching competence and/or by providing opportunities for training in support and leadership roles.

    This qualification provides a substantial qualification for:

    Potential learners/educators who have acquired an FETC (Grade 12) or equivalent qualification at Level 4 (120 credits) and who wish to make ECD their full-time career (entry point);

    Learners/educators who have a Level 4 qualification in ECD to further their career and professional development in ECD by providing access to a Level 6 qualification;

    Learners/educators who have a Higher Certificate in ECD to further their career and professional development in ECD by providing access to a Level 6 qualification. 


Assessor Training for 4 Days

Moderator Training for 4 Days

Facilitator Course for 5 Days

Mentorship and Coaching for 3 Days

Skills Development Facilitators for 5 Days

Mentorship and Coaching for 3 Days

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